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Collaborative China Research Grants

Cornell China Center grant opportunities (application cycles currently closed)

The Cornell China Center recognizes the value of building long-term collaborative international relationships that tackle complex challenges, design joint initiatives, and grow intercultural understanding. We fund innovative research that brings together collaborators to positively impact our world, educate future leaders, and disseminate knowledge for the global public good. Many of our grants are open to PIs from Ithaca, Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell Tech, and Cornell AgriTech. 

Common Cornell China Center Joint Seed Fund Application Questions

  • Do I have to have a faculty collaborator in China? --> Yes. Proposals for these joint seed grants have to be submitted jointly with faculty collaborator from the corresponding partner university.
  • Do these grants allow computer purchases? --> No.
  • What fringe and overhead rate should we use for this funding? --> These grants do not allow staff salary, just GRA summer stipends and hourly student work. There are no indirect costs (IDC) on some Cornell China Center grants.
  • Do you have page formatting requirements? --> No, but size 10-12 font and 0.5-1" margins are typical. Either single or double spacing is fine; we expect that proposals will likely be single-spaced to include all requested information within the page guidelines.
  • Can I exceed the page limit to include extra text, a reference list, or additional images? --> No. All grant applications must stick to the page limit to be fair to all. Proposal narrative sections longer than 2 pages will not be accepted.
  • How do we submit our CVs? -- To submit your application on the Cornell side, please compile everything into one PDF file, with CVs as separate pages after your application form, and upload through the Qualtrics form.
  • Do we need to go through RASS? -- No, since these grants are considered internal funding on the Cornell side.
  • What if I'm not a tenure-track faculty member? If the grant PI would need approval to be a PI through an exception for an external grant application, then please get an email note from a department chair/center director or similar approving the PI to apply for this internal grant. Include this permission to be a PI within the single PDF application upload in Qualtrics when you apply. This exception note does not count towards the page limit.
  • Who from Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) is eligible to apply? --> WCM faculty (and doctors at WCM-affiliated hospitals who are WCM professors) are welcome to apply. WCM researchers who are eligible to be a Cornell PI with an exception (e.g., senior research associates) may apply with a note of approval from their department chair/unit leader.

If you have additional questions, feel free to contact us at [email protected] or 607-255-0550.